Andrea Provaglio is an independent professional in the field of Information Technology, with almost twenty years of working experience in three different continents.
He assists his clients in finding better ways to develop software and to create better development teams, and he supports individuals who want to improve technically and relationally.
Be quick! The first 2 people registered will receive GeeCON 2024 tickets!
The price includes lunch and coffee breaks.
Companies that manifest agility, those that are able to quickly adapt to new environmental conditions and to generate new opportunities, are based on leadership models that rely on the participative, responsible engagement of their people and on the decentralization of some decisional processes.
This workshop will cover topics that span from the organizational to the individual, and from the technical to the humanistic, with the goal of supporting the development of organizations that are ready to operate effectively and efficiently in the 21st century.
Contents - day 1We say that society progresses at the pace of its slowest individuals. In a similar way, an organization can evolve towards modern, adaptive and Agile models only at the pace determined by the level of personal leadership of its most influential individuals, whom others are willing to follow towards a shared goal.
This workshop, on one hand, raises the level of awareness about the characteristic meaning of leadership in Agile contexts; on the other hand, it provides the attendees with operational and self-awareness tools that they can use to manifest their leadership in modern, innovative organizations — those that are ready to fully operate in a non-deterministic world subject to rapid changes in technology, society and markets.
Clearly, such a wide topic cannot be deeply and thoroughly explored in two training days. For this reason, this workshop is designed to give the attendees ample opportunities to experience first-hand some of the key aspects through the active interaction with their colearners. It also provides abundant references and pointers that allow the attendees to continue on their own individual leadership journey after the class.
Intended AudienceLanguage: English
Duration: 2 days
Warsaw, Poland